Why do I need Sunscreens during Winter

Posted by Andy Shyr on

Winter is the time when you stay indoors more often, but what if you are exposed to sun. If you feel that it is not necessary to wear sunscreen in winters because the sun does not shine as strong as in summers, you need to rethink.  Below are some of the reasons to prove that sunscreens are needed more in winter months than in summer months. Sun is Closest to Earth in winter During summer, we feel the scorching heat of sun and most of us feel that sun is so closer to the earth and you are getting maximum heat. According to Robert Guida, M.D., a board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City, “The Earth is actually the closest to the sun in the winter and the farthest from it in the summer.” This makes it essential to wear sunscreen before stepping out of your home even in winters. Thinner Ozone Layer in winter You might have heard about the ozone layer protecting us from harmful sun rays and it is fast depleting. We don’t have any control on ozone layer, but we have complete control on wearing the sunscreen. According to the National Science Foundation Polar Programs UV Monitoring Network, the ozone layer is at thinnest in the winter.So, it is another reason one should wear sunscreen in winters more often than the summer. Snow reflects UV Rays Ok, it is snowing outside, why do I need my sunscreen? Well, snow and ice reflect up to 80% of the sun’s UV rays.  As per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, UV rays are the major cause of skin cancer as well as wrinkles. Even when it is snowing in your region, you cannot afford to skip your sunscreen because you have at least 80% risk of getting skin cancer and wrinkles. Windburn and Sunburns Whenever the temperature is cold and harsh winds make your skin dull, it is important to keep your skin hydrated and protected against UV rays, because that is when the maximum damage happens and your skin gets the maximum blow of weather. In order to prevent the damage, it is essential to wear sunscreen daily.


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